Huwebes, Mayo 3, 2012

Recommendations For Stroke Victims To Regain Balance And Proprioception

Statistics have shown that many stroke patients encounter difficulties in regaining their lost abilities. One factor that contributes this is the fact that the right recovery measures are not taken. It is noteworthy that it takes discipline to regain the lost abilities of a stroke patient on the road to recovery. Two important abilities that a stroke incident ceases are balance and proprioception and they could be retrieved through the following exercise.

Aquatic therapy is has been proven by professional to be an effective recovery activity for stroke victims. It involves doing some swimming exercise in a pool. It is a good way to start recovery exercises for stroke victims as swimming make the stretching of all the parts of the body quite easy. Nonetheless, the victim needs the guidance of a professional to avoid further accidents.

Sitting in a chair will in addition be of help to stroke victims. While sitting, you may subject yourself to some other exercises such as inclining your body to one side for some time and then to the other side. You should also try to pick up items from the ground. These exercises will help in tasking your muscle and condition them to work properly.

In addition, stroke victims can improve their balance by standing on both feet with the aim of maintaining stability. This may be quite challenging in the beginning. Hence, the patient may need a support. After some time of consistent standing exercise, the patient should be able to stand without support. The patient should also try to pick up objects from the ground or from a cupboard.

Going a step higher, you should try standing on only one foot. This seems impossible for a stroke patient, right; the fact is that it is possible if the patient is determined and focused. You may need a support for a start until you have some stability. There is a need for you to close your eyes while standing so that you can train your balance to come from your limb and not assisted by your sight. You should also try to pick up things form the ground several times.

It is time to go for advanced balance activities. One of the advanced balance activities is standing on a towel that is folded up. To accomplish this, you shall need maximum concentration. At first, your stability will be decreased but not to worry it will come back with consistency and time. You should try all the above mentioned tasks to improve balance.

One leg squat is another advanced balance exercise that would certainly help stroke victims as proven by professionals. In this, you need to pick up one leg and suspend it in air while the other leg bears your weight. Then you should try squatting in the same position. While doing this exercise, try alternating the position of the raised leg by positioning it in front, backwards and sideways.

One thing that you need to do is to create an appropriate schedule for the activities. This will help you to protect yourself against complications. For a start, you should engage yourself in the exercises for only few second and then take a rest for some time. Subsequently you may increase the exercise duration once you have gained balance doing the exercise for that duration. Note that only proper scheduling of exercise can help you regain your proprioception.

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